Our products


The shoptimizer connects companies with customers. By touching the shoptimizer with a smartphone, the individual company channel is called up and customers stay in touch with your company. This improves your internet presence and continuously increases your reach online.

How shoptimizer works

Schritt 1 Benutzung shoptimizer

1. Take out your cell phone

Customer unlocks his NFC-enabled smartphone.

Schritt 2 Benutzung shoptimizer

2. Touch tool

The customer touches the device (NFC) with their smartphone.

Schritt 3 Benutzung shoptimizer

3. Conduct interaction

The customer is directed to the corresponding promotion page.

shoptimizer Google-Bewertungstool hell in Benutzung für mehr Bewertungen

Assessment tool

Marketing tool for stationary companies.

Get a better reputation through more Google reviews.

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MyGroove Individuallösungen shoptimizer

individual solutions

  • Employer rating tool
  • App download & rating
  • Newsletter Sign up
  • Internal rating system with profit function
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Quiet Salesman

Sales tool for manufacturers & brands.

More sales & new online shop customers.

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shoptimizer follow-me Variante dunkel für mehr Instagram-Follower

Instagram followers

More followers with just one touch.

Get greater reach through followers & reach more customers.

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shoptimizer like-me Variante hell für mehr Facebook-Likes

Facebook likes

More Facebook likes with just one touch.

Get greater reach through more Facebook likes.

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shoptimizer find-me Variante dunkel für mehr Webseitenbesucher

Website access

More website visitors with just one touch.

More access through easy operation & targeted promotion of websites.

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Do you have anymore questions?

Email address: office@shoptimizer.at
Telephone number: +43 664 468 6 119